
Olobase Admin input components allow editing of specific properties of the current API resource object. Mainly for creating and editing views It is used in form. It can also be used as a filter entry for VaList. For resource support, it must be used within the VaForm component, which handles adding elements and providing the model with error messages.

Source and Model

Va entries support both source and model support. The source is the original feature object from which the value will be fetched and the model will be the final feature name with the new value to be sent to your data provider.

Dot Representation Support

Olobase Admin inputs accept dot notation for source support. Very useful for nested object:

    <va-text-input source="address.street"></va-text-input>
    <va-text-input source="address.postcode"></va-text-input>
    <va-text-input source=""></va-text-input>

As seen in the example above, the value of the street property of the address object is directly taken. The final form model data to be sent to your data provider also complies with this nested structure.

What's Next ?

The next section will cover all input components in the packages/admin/src/components/ui/inputs folder.