
It is used to edit the date type value. Vuetify consists of a read-only text field associated with the date picker. It does not support time value, in this case use classic VaTextInput.


     <v-col lg="3" md="4" sm="6">
            <va-date-input source="publishDate" label="Publish Date" format="shortFormat"></va-date-input>


  • Input
  • InputWrapper
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Editable


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
model string By default source will be the last name sent to the API service for create/update. This support allows you to override this default behavior.
header string Allows you to write text in the section shown under the title. The default value is empty.
format string The date format to use. For example: (dd-mm-YYYY).
allowedDates function, array Restricts which dates can be selected.
color string Applies the specified color to the component - supports auxiliary colors (e.g. success or purple) or css color (e.g. success or purple) or css color (like #033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)). Default value: primary.
elevation string, number Specifies a height applied to the component, from 0 to 24. More information can be found on elevation.
hideHeader boolean Completely hides the header section of the component. (Default: false).
height string, number Sets the height of the component.
width string, number Sets the width of the component.
max string, number, date Maximum date/month allowed. (ISO 8601 format).
maxHeight string, number Sets the maximum height of the component.
maxWidth string, number Sets the maximum width of the component.
min string, number, date Minimum date/month allowed (ISO 8601 format).
minHeight string, number Sets the minimum height of the component.
minWidth string, number Sets the minimum width of the component.
multiple boolean Allow multiple date selections.
position boolean Sets the position of the component (static, relative, fixed, absolute, sticky).
rounded string, number, boolean Specifies the edge radius applied to the component.
showAdjacentMonths boolean Toggles the visibility of previous and next months' days.
showWeek boolean Toggles the visibility of week numbers in the body of the calendar.
hideActions boolean Hides select actions.
hideWeekdays boolean Hides weekdays.
inputPlaceholder string Sets the placeholder value for the entry.
variant string Applies different styles to the component. (outlined, plain, underlined, solo, filled, solo-filled, solo-inverted).
viewMode string Switches between month or year view (month, year).
disabled boolean Removes the ability to click on the component.