
A List page; These are the basic pages where you can perform operations such as pagination, sorting, filtering and exporting. You can easily create a server-side data table with a VaList component and a VaDataTableServer component to use list options.



Page Customization

Note that you are free to put whatever you want for each CRUD page and you do not have to use the optimized components provided. Since all data provider methods are available in a dedicated storage module for each source, it's not that complicated to create your own list components that will fetch your data. You can of course use the existing global $axios instance if you need to fetch any custom data coming out of the data provider logic. See usage in the store section.


The List component allows displaying the settings, filters and parent options of the data table.



Property Type Description Default
class String It allows you to assign a css class to the component. mb-0
title String It determines the list title. If this value is empty, the title of the current resource is translated with the titles.resource object. null
filters array The data is sent to your provider within the filter parameters. Valid attributes are: source, type, label, attributes. []
fields Array A list of columns required to render resource data. Each column can be a simple string or a complete object with advanced field properties. `source`, `type`, `label`, `sortable`, `align`, `link`, `attributes`, `editable`, `width`. []
hideTitle Boolean Makes the list title invisible. false
hideHeader boolean The title hides the header; so actions such as filters and settings are hidden. false
hideBulkDelete boolean Makes the multi-delete button that appears when a record is selected from the selection list invisible. false
hideBulkCopy boolean Makes the multi-copy button that appears when a record is selected from the selection list invisible. false
disableSettings Boolean Makes the settings button invisible. false
disableCreate Boolean Makes the standard save button invisible. false
rowCreate Boolean If you are using an editable table, it enables you to activate the Add Row button near by settings button. false
disableCreateRedirect Boolean Disables redirection after creation action. false
disableQueryString boolean Pagination, sorting, filtering, etc. Disables the sending of the URL query string in an action like. false
defaultQueryString object Your resource call url address, for example; By default, it adds a query string such as /api/example/findAllByPaging?a=1 to the end of your backend address, such as /api/example/findAllByPaging. Example value: { id: 4fd4eeac-8ab2-48b9-99e5-fbfd14334ff3 } {}
disableActions boolean Makes the section of all actions invisible. false
disableGlobalSearch boolean Disables global search. false
disableItemsPerPage boolean Disables the perPage parameter sent to the backend. false
globalSearchQuery string Determines the key name of the general search query. Changing the default value may require changes to some front and backside functions. q
disablePositioning boolean Hides the positioning row in the settings panel. false
disableVisibility boolean Hides the visibility row in the settings panel. false
enableSaveDialog boolean Shows/hides the create button for the save feature in the dialog in the right corner. false
itemsPerPage array List of available item selections per page. 10


Name Description
actions Allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the list.
content Allows you to add a data table within the list template.