Data Iterator Server

The VaDataIteratorServer component is used to display data that does not fit into the grid structure or needs to be customized and is similar in functionality to the v-data-table component. It includes features such as sorting, search, pagination, filtering and selection. The list layout in the default slot is fully customizable.


  • Resource
  • Search

Data Iterator Server

 <va-list :filters="filters" :fields="fields" disable-create disable-positioning disable-visibility :items-per-page="2">
    <va-data-iterator-server :pagination="{ 
        density: 'default',
        activeColor: 'primary',
        top: false,
        bottom: true,
        rounded: 'pill',
      <template v-slot:default="{ items }">
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-1 pb-1 justify-center" v-if="$store.state.api.loading">
          <v-progress-circular color="primary" indeterminate></v-progress-circular>
        <v-row no-gutters v-else>
          <v-col v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i" cols="12" sm="6" xl="3" class="mb-3">
            <v-sheet border rounded :class="(isOdd(i)) ? '' : 'mr-5'">
              <v-list-item :title="item.raw.username" :subtitle="" lines="two" density="comfortable">
                <template v-slot:title>
                  <strong class="text-h6">
                    {{ item.raw.username }}
              <v-table density="compact" class="text-caption">
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th width="20%">{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.attemptedAt") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.attemptedAt }}</td>
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th>{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.ip") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.ip }}</td>
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th>{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.userAgent") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.userAgent }}</td>
      <template v-slot:bottom.pagination.header="{ page, pageCount }">
        <v-footer class="text-body-3 mt-6 mb-2" style="padding:0;">
          <div>{{ $t("dataiterator.displaying_page", {page, pageCount}) }}</div>
      <template v-slot:no-data>
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-1 pb-1 justify-center" v-if="$store.state.api.loading">
          <v-progress-circular color="primary" indeterminate></v-progress-circular>
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-2 pb-2 justify-center" v-else>
          {{ $t("va.datatable.nodata")}}
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      filters: [
          source: "username",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "failedloginusernames",
            multiple: true,  
          source: "ip",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "failedloginips",
            multiple: true,  
          source: "attemptedAtStart",
          type: "date",
          source: "attemptedAtEnd",
          type: "date",
      fields: [
          source: "username",
          type: "text",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "attemptedAt",
          type: "date",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "userAgent",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "ip",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
  methods: {
    isOdd(number) {
      return (number & 1) === 1;


Property Type Description Default
class String It assigns a value to the HTML class attribute of the div element surrounding the data table. va-data-table
pagination object Controls customizable variables of paging components. When the top and bottom options are true, pagination can be displayed both at the bottom and at the top. { density: 'default', activeColor: 'primary', top: false, bottom: true, rounded: 'pill', }
showExpand boolean Enables row expansion mode for quick detailed view. false
expandOnClick boolean Allows the row to be expanded when the table rows are clicked. false
groupBy array Vuetify folders table data using the original groupBy function. It can take more than one value. []
selectStrategy boolean Defines the strategy for selecting items in the list. Possible values: single, page, all. page
returnObject boolean Changes the selection behavior to directly return the object rather than the value specified by the element value. false
mustSort boolean If true, sorting cannot be disabled, it will always switch between ascending and descending. false
multiSort boolean Enables/disables the multisorting feature, which is enabled by default. true


Name Description
top.pagination.header Allows customization of the top of the parent pagination.
top.pagination.footer Allows customization of the bottom of the parent pagination.
bottom.pagination.header Allows customization of the top of the sub-pagination.
bottom.pagination.footer Allows customization of the bottom part of sub-pagination.
no-data Allows you to customize the section displayed when no data is found.