Data Table Server

VaDataTableServer is used for pagination of a list that fits the grid structure and for browsing and listing any resources. It includes features such as sorting, search, pagination, filtering and selection. The list layout in the default slot is fully customizable.


  • Resource
  • Search


Property Type Description Default
class String It assigns a value to the HTML class attribute of the div element surrounding the data table. va-data-table
density String Vuetify allows you to select the original density property. Possible values: default, comfortable, and compact. compact
rowClick String, Boolean Makes each row clickable. Use predefined function as edit or show. null
rowCreate boolean Makes the row creation button visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowEdit boolean Makes the row edit key visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowSaveDialog boolean Makes visible/invisible the button that allows editing/creating a record in a data table list actions within a window. false
rowSaveDialogWidth boolean Sets the width of the window for the rowSaveDialog button. 1024
rowSaveDialogHeight boolean Sets the height of the window for the rowSaveDialog button. 600
rowClone boolean Makes the row copy button visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowShow boolean Makes the button that opens the row detail window visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
showExpand boolean Enables line expansion mode for quick detailed view. false
expandOnClick boolean Allows the row to be expanded when the table rows are clicked. false
groupBy array Vuetify folders table data using the original groupBy function. It can take more than one value. []
visible boolean Controls the visibility of the data table. true
disableSelect boolean Select all disables the selection list. false
selectStrategy boolean Defines the strategy for selecting items in the list. Possible values: single, page, all. page
disableSort boolean Disables the list sorting function. false
disableShow boolean Disables the button for the standard detail action. false
disableEdit boolean Disables the button for the standard record editing action. false
disableClone boolean Disables the button for the standard record copy action. false
disableDelete boolean Disables the button for the standard deregistration action. false
disableCreateRedirect boolean Disables the redirection process after the standard creation action. false
disableShowRedirect boolean Disables the redirect action after the standard detail action. false
disableEditRedirect boolean Disables the redirect action after the standard update action. false
enableDeleteRedirect boolean Enables the redirect action after the standard delete action. false
multiSort boolean Enables/disables the multisorting feature, which is enabled by default. true
disableGenerateUid boolean Disables Uid generation in an updatable data table list save action. false
itemsPerPageOptions array List of available item selections per page. [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100]


Ad Açıklama
cell.actions The data table allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the standard actions section.
row.actions It allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the actions section in the updatable data table.
no-data Allows you to customize the section displayed when no data is found.


Name Description
update:options Triggered on pagination change.
update:filter Triggered on filtering change.
selected Triggered when the record is selected from the selection list. This event is recorded in array type.
item-action Triggered on action on a specific row. This event will return a refreshed object from your API.
save Triggered before the save phase in the updatable list.
saved Triggered after saving in the updatable list.


Use the fields attribute to define all columns. You need to at least set the source property that defines the source field you want to fetch, then the type of data formatter if it is different from simple text format. Check fields for all supported fields.


  <va-list disable-create enable-save-dialog :filters="filters" :fields="fields" :items-per-page="10">
   <va-data-table-server row-show row-save-dialog row-save-dialog-width="1024" row-save-dialog-height="600" disable-clone disable-show>
import { required } from "@vuelidate/validators";

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  provide() {
    return {
      validations: {
        form: {
          companyId: {
          employeeNumber: {
          name: {
          surname: {
      errors: {
        companyIdErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].companyId.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].companyId.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        employeeNumberErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].employeeNumber.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].employeeNumber.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        nameErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].name.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].name.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        surnameErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].surname.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].surname.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
  data() {
    return {
      loading: false,
      yearId: new Date().getFullYear(),
      filters: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "companies",
          source: "jobTitleId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "jobtitles",
          source: "gradeId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "employeegrades",
      fields: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "companies",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "employeeNumber",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "name",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "surname",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "jobTitleId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "jobtitles",
          sortable: true,
          width: "20%"
          source: "gradeId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "employeegrades",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"

Field Attributes

Property Type Description
source string Key name of the resource to display.
type string The field type to use.
label string Column header title, use localized attribute source by default.
labelKey string Overrides default source to i18n key message.
sortable boolean Enables server-side sorting.
align string You can use left, right, center for the align property of each cell.
link string If you want to wrap the field inside the source action link, use any valid show or edit action.
input string The input type to use for editable form rows. Overrides the default type.
attributes object Any attributes or attributes that will be combined with the subdomain or input component.
editable boolean Replace the field with the live edit input field. Ideal for fast live updates.

Custom Row Actions

Row actions can be customized using the row.actions slot. In the following example, a special delete button in a data table belonging to software developers is directed to a route named delete-developer with the developerId parameter.

Custom Row Actions

          <template v-slot:row.actions="{ item }">
              :color="color || 'red'"
              :to="{ name: 'delete-developer', params: { developerId:  } }"

Field Templating

In case all the slot options above do not meet your needs, you can use the advanced slot templating for each slot. You can even use all the Olobase Admin fields in it. This is very useful when you need to place the field component inside the parent component as shown below:

  <va-list :fields="fields">
      <template v-slot: value>
        <v-chip-group column>
          <va-reference-field reference="authors" v-for="(item, i) in value" :key="i" color="primary" small chip :item="item">
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      fields: [

To do this, simply use a slot called field.{source}; where source is the name of the field. This slot will provide you with the full row source element and the value of the cell to render by default.

Another example:

Field Templating

  <va-list :fields="fields">
      <template v-slot: item>
        <v-chip label :color="getOrderStatusColor(item.orderStatusId)">
          <v-icon icon="mdi-label" start></v-icon>
          {{ $t("resources.orders.chips." + item.orderStatusId) }}
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  methods: {
    getOrderStatusColor(val) {
      if (val == "waiting") {
        return 'orange-darken-1';
      if (val == "canceled") {
        return 'red-darken-1';
      if (val == "completed") {
        return 'green-darken-1';

Expandable Row

You can use the extended element property with show-expand support for an additional full colspan cell below the element row. This method can be used when row data is long or for quick viewing.

Expanded Table

      <template v-slot:top>
        <v-toolbar flat>
          <v-toolbar-title>Expandable Table</v-toolbar-title>
      <template v-slot:expanded-row="{ columns, item }">
          <td :colspan="columns.length">
            More info about {{ item.raw.roleName }}

Editable Rows

To create a data table with editable rows, you must use the following attributes in the VaDataTableServer component. When using these attributes, you must disable standard operations such as disable-edit, disable-show and disable-clone.

An editable table may include the following actions:

  • row-create
  • row-clone
  • row-edit
  • row-show
  • row-delete

Editable Rows


Editable Interactive Rows

If you want to change another selection field interactively after selecting a selection field, take a look at the code in the example below.

Editable Interactive Rows

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      fields: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "companies",
          sortable: true,
          width: "15%"
          source: "departmentId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "departments",
          key: "companyId",
          filters: ["companyId"],
          sortable: true,
          width: "15%"

You can find a more comprehensive example in the demo application in /resources/Employees/List.vue file.

Save in Dialog

If you want the update process to be done in a new window for each record listed in the data list, you should use the following attributes.

Save Dialog Action

  • rowSaveDialog
  • rowSaveDialogWidth
  • rowSaveDialogHeight

Save Dialog Action

