Admin Layout

When you download the Olobase Admin Skelethon, your project will be launched with the pre-created default admin layout. The .vue template for this layout is located in the src/layout/Admin.vue file and is linked to the authenticated route in src/routes/admin.js. connected as follows:

import AdminLayout from "@/layouts/Admin";
export default {
  path: "/",
  name: "home",
  redirect: "/dashboard",
  component: AdminLayout,
  meta: {
    title: i18n.t("routes.home"),
  children: [

Main Layout

The customizable main layout with one slot for each area is called VaLayout.

Name Description
VaAppBar The sidebar area is the ideal place for the VNavigationDrawer content header region, additional custom messages or important notifications as impersonation status, etc. Ideal place for.
VaBreadcrumbs Content header region, VBreadcrumbs and/or additional custom messages or important notifications as impersonation status, etc. Ideal place for.
VaFooter You can put some corporate information and links in the footer area.
VaAside 2nd left or right side area where you can put everything you need.

This slot composition system allows for complete customization. You can completely customize or replace each component. Please browse to /src/layout/Admin.vue. You must make customizations on this file.