
Edit the number value as rating stars. If half increments are enabled, the value must be a valid integer or decimal number. Icons can be edited via $ratingFull, $ratingEmpty and $ratingHalf in Vuetify settings.


        <v-col lg="3" md="4" sm="6">
            <va-rating-input source="rating" length="10" half-increments></va-rating-input>


  • Input
  • InputWrapper
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Rating
  • Editable


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
model string By default source will be the last name sent to the API service for create/update. This support allows you to override this default behavior.
active-color string Color applied to the component while it is active.
clearable boolean Allows the component to be cleared by clicking on the current value.
color string Applies the specified color to the control.
density string Sets the vertical height used by the component. (default, comfortable, compact).
disabled boolean Removes the ability to click on the component.
empty-icon string, array, function Icon displayed when empty.
full-icon string, array, function Icon displayed when full.
half-increments boolean Allows selection of half increments.
hover boolean Provides visual feedback when hovering over icons.
item-aria-label string Settings for item tags.
item-label-position string Position of element labels accepts 'top' and 'bottom'.
item-labels array Array of labels to display next to each item.
length string, number Amount of items to display.
model-value string, number The v-model value of the component. If the component supports multitasking, this defaults to an empty array.
name string Sets the name property of the component.
readonly boolean Removes all hover effects and pointer events.
size string, number Sets the height and width of the component. The default unit is pixels. (x-small, small, default, large, x-large).