Color Picker

Color picker creates the component that makes it easy to select HEX color codes.


    <v-row no-gutters>
        <v-col sm="3" class="mr-3">
            <va-color-picker-input source="themeColor" resource="account" dot-size="25" mode="hexa" show-swatches swatches-max-height="150" v-model="themeColor" :error-messages="themeColorErrors"></va-color-picker-input>


  • Input
  • InputWrapper
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
model string By default source will be the last name sent to the API service for create/update. This support allows you to override this default behavior.
color string Determines the overall color of the component.
border string Applies border styles to the component.
rounded boolean, string, number Specifies the edge radius applied to the component.
dotSize string Changes the size of the selection point on the canvas.
hideCanvas boolean Hides the canvas.
canvasHeight string, Number Determines the height of the canvas.
mode string The currently selected entry type. Input can be synchronized with v-model:mode. Possible Values: 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'hsla' | 'hex' | 'hexa'.
modes Array Sets the available input types. Values that can be given: ['rgb', 'rgba', 'hsl', 'hsla', 'hex', 'hexa'].
hideInputs boolean Hides input fields. (Default: false).
hideSliders boolean Hides input fields. (Default: false).
showSwatches boolean Displays swatches on canvas. (Default: false).
swatchesMaxHeight string, Number Sets the maximum height of the swatches section.
position string Sets the location of the component (Default: undefined). Possible Values: 'static' | 'relative' | 'fixed' | 'absolute' | 'sticky'.
width string Sets the width of the color picker.
variant string Applies different styles to the component. (outlined, plain, underlined, solo, filled, solo-filled, solo-inverted).