
Olobase Admin field components allow specific and optimized display of specific resource properties. It is mainly designed for use in show and list views. It is used with the source and resource properties required to fetch and display data. Must be used with the VaShow component injector or an explicit item object via the item prop.

Cell Templating: You can use these Olobase Admin fields as cell templates for VaDataTableServer, this is See section.

Field Wrapper

Unlike Olobase Admin entries, typed Olobase Admin fields do not contain any tagged wrapper, only a simple inline image formatter. You can use VaField for this. It takes the localized tag and initializes the appropriate field component via prop type, which prevents us from rewriting it to the default slot.

See more for more details.

Dot Representation Support

Olobase Admin fields accept dot notation for the source prop. This feature is useful for objects.

  <va-field source="address.street"></va-field>
  <va-field source="address.postcode"></va-field>
  <va-field source=""></va-field>

As seen in the example above, the value of the street property of the address object is directly taken. The final form model data to be sent to your data provider also complies with this nested structure.

What's Next ?

The next section will cover all field components in the packages/admin/src/components/ui/fields folder.