Schemas and Read - Write Operations

Read and write operations; It includes Create - Read - Update - Delete operations.


Schemas are simply designed to document the data to be sent and received to the API during write and read operations. Usually, when saving a record, the data manager class takes a reference from the schema class to ensure the existence of the relevant columns. A schema class consists of displaying the input names to be recorded in the database table or read from this table together with their types in a class.

  • Schemas can contain the following two complex types in addition to string, number and integer formats.
Type Description
array If this entity is a part of another entity of array type, you should select this type.
object If this entity is a part of another entity of object type, you should select this type.

Schemas Containing Objects

If we want to send data of type object in the http header, it should be written as employeePersonal object, as in the following example.

EmployeeSave (Instance with Object)

<?php namespace App\Schema\Employees;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeeSave
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $employeeId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $name;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $surname;
    * @var object
    * @OA\Property(
    *     ref="#/components/schemas/EmployeePersonalObject",
    * )
    public $employeePersonal;
  "employeeId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "employeePersonal": {
    "militaryStatusId": "string",
    "militaryStartDate": "string",
    "militaryEndDate": "string",
    "marialStatusId": "string"
    "employeeId": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "surname": "string",
    "employeePersonal": [
        "militaryStatusId": "string",
        "militaryStartDate": "string",
        "militaryEndDate": "string",
        "marialStatusId": "string"


namespace App\Schema\Employees;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeePersonalObject
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $militaryStatusId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="date",
     * )
    public $militaryStartDate;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="date",
     * )
    public $militaryEndDate;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $marialStatusId;

Obtaining data with the data manager according to the EmployeesSave scheme.

$data = $this->dataManager->getSaveData(EmployeeSave::class, 'employees');
    [employees] => Array
            [name] => James
            [surname] => Brown
    [employeePersonal] => Array
            [militaryStatusId] => discharge
            [militaryStartDate] => 2022-04-07
            [militaryEndDate] => 2022-04-18
            [marialStatusId] => married

Schemas Containing Strings

If we want to send data of array type in the http header, employeeChildren must be written as an array, as in the following example.

EmployeeSave (Example Containing an Array)

<?php namespace App\Schema\Employees;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeeSave
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $employeeId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $name;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $surname;
    *  @var array
    *  @OA\Property(
    *      type="array",
    *      @OA\Items(
    *           @OA\Property(
    *             property="childId",
    *             type="string",
    *           ),
    *           @OA\Property(
    *             property="childName",
    *             type="string",
    *           ),
    *           @OA\Property(
    *             property="childBirthdate",
    *             type="string",
    *           ),
    *     ),
    *  );
    public $employeeChildren;
  "employeeId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "employeeChildren": [
        "childId" : "string",
        "childNameSurname" : "string"
    "employeeId" =>  "string",
    "name" =>  "string",
    "surname" =>  "string",
    "employeeChildren" =>  [
            "childId" => "string",
            "childNameSurname" =>  "string",

Obtaining data with the data manager according to the EmployeesSave scheme.

$data = $this->dataManager->getSaveData(
    [employees] => Array
            [name] => James
            [surname] => Brown
    [employeeChildren] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [childId] => ee73109a-7a02-0a9d-a7a9-0a2f3fc6eca0
                    [childNameSurname] => John Sebastian


Creation of Documents

To convert the annotations you create on the handler methods into documentation, the following command must be run from the console.

cd /var/www/project 
/var/www/project$ composer swagger

After running the above command in your console, you can access your open api documentation, as seen in the following picture, at url.

Demo Swagger Api

This output is sent to the CompanyModel->create($data) or CompanyModel->update($data) methods.

In the example, after the data coming from the Create handler input filter is validated, it sends the data obtained from the data manager to the CompanyModel->create($data) method, as in the following example.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompanySave;
use App\Filter\Companies\SaveFilter;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use Olobase\Mezzio\Error\ErrorWrapperInterface as Error;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class CreateHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companySaveModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager,
        private SaveFilter $filter,
        private Error $error,
        $this->companySaveModel = $companySaveModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;
        $this->error = $error;
        $this->filter = $filter;

     * @OA\Post(
     *   path="/companies/create",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Create a new company",
     *   operationId="companies_create",
     *   @OA\RequestBody(
     *     description="Create new Company",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompanySave"),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *      response=400,
     *      description="Bad request, returns to validation errors"
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $data = array();
        $response = array();
        if ($this->filter->isValid()) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getSaveData(
        } else {
            return new JsonResponse($this->error->getMessages($this->filter), 400);
        return new JsonResponse($response);     

Read operations are operations that enable the data obtained from the database to be sent to the client side with a json response by using the model class related to http GET request parameters. Below are examples of handlers and GET methods.

  • FindAll
  • FindOneById
  • FindAllByPaging

The following codes show an example of the FindOneById handler.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompaniesFindOneById;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class FindOneByIdHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;

     * @OA\Get(
     *   path="/companies/findOneById/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Find company data",
     *   operationId="companies_findOneById",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="companyId",
     *       in="path",
     *       required=true,
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindOneById"),
     *   ),
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $row = $this->companyModel->findOneById($request->getAttribute("companyId"));
        if ($row) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getViewData(
            return new JsonResponse($data);   
        return new JsonResponse([], 404);

The Update method follows the data obtained from the data manager after the data from the input filter is validated, as in the Create method, as in the example CompanyModel->update($data) sends it to the method.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompanySave;
use App\Filter\Companies\SaveFilter;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use Olobase\Mezzio\Error\ErrorWrapperInterface as Error;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class UpdateHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager,
        private SaveFilter $filter,
        private Error $error,
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;
        $this->error = $error;
        $this->filter = $filter;

     * @OA\Put(
     *   path="/companies/update/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Update company",
     *   operationId="companies_update",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="companyId",
     *       in="path",
     *       required=true,
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\RequestBody(
     *     description="Update Company",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompanySave"),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *      response=400,
     *      description="Bad request, returns to validation errors"
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $data = array();
        $response = array();
        if ($this->filter->isValid()) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getSaveData(
        } else {
            return new JsonResponse($this->error->getMessages($this->filter), 400);
        return new JsonResponse($response);   

The Delete method runs the CompanyModel->delete($id) method according to the data sent with the GET parameters using the http GET method.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use App\Filter\Companies\DeleteFilter;
use Olobase\Mezzio\Error\ErrorWrapperInterface as Error;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class DeleteHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,        
        private DeleteFilter $filter,
        private Error $error,
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->filter = $filter;
        $this->error = $error;

     * @OA\Delete(
     *   path="/companies/delete/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Delete company",
     *   operationId="companyies_delete",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       in="path",
     *       name="companyId",
     *       required=true,
     *       description="Company uuid",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *           format="uuid",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        if ($this->filter->isValid()) {
        } else {
            return new JsonResponse($this->error->getMessages($this->filter), 400);
        return new JsonResponse([]);