In the Olobase Admin framework, the 7.0.96 version of the Material Design Icons (mdi) series is used by default for all icons. If you want to upgrade the icon version, all you have to do is;
npm remove @mdi/font
uninstall the current version with the command,
npm install @mdi/font --save
upgrade to the current version with the command. You can access the Mdi icon library from the link below.
<v-icon size="large" icon="mdi-circle-slice-4" class="mb-3" color="success">
<v-divider class="mb-3"></v-divider>
<v-icon size="large" color="primary" class="mb-3" icon="mdi-circle"></v-icon>
<v-divider class="mb-3"></v-divider>
<v-btn prepend-icon="mdi-content-save-cog" class="mb-3">
<v-divider class="mb-3"></v-divider>
<v-btn append-icon="mdi-content-save-cog" class="mb-3">
You can also use icons in navigation menu main links, as in the example below.
export default {
build: async function(t, admin) {
const user = await admin.can(["user"]);
const adminUser = await admin.can(["user", "admin"]);
return [
icon: "mdi-view-dashboard-outline",
text: t("menu.dashboard"),
link: "/dashboard",
// { divider: true },